Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Two Bits

Tyler needs his hair cut pretty frequently. He still has a LOT of hair. No visible thinning for him. I gave up cutting a while back and June is our new barber. I think Robyn has cut Tyler's hair as well. When June got the clippers out, Ivory mentioned that she needed a trim. 

Ivory's hair is very long and when she says trim, she wants barely an inch taken off. Just enough to get rid of split ends and even it up. June did a great job.

Daisy asked for a trim as well. So June straightened up her ends. Look at all the hair. 

No, it isn't Daisy's. Don't worry. It isn't even Tyler's although his cut is looking sharp. 

Nope, it was mine! When June finished with Daisy, she looked at me and said, "Your turn." I wasn't planning on getting a trim, but I needed one. In fact, I wanted a few inches taken off. I asked her how long it already was and she said it was down to the middle of my back. So I said, "Just below my shoulders would be great and go ahead and add some layers."

Well, what do you think? It just about touches my shoulders. 

Definitely shorter than I planned, but the shorter length allows my natural wave to come through better. It took a little getting used to, but I like it. And June did a great job. She may not become a hairdresser, but I think she'll be able to keep her family trimmed up.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Dad should have waited until you came to visit to get his hair cut, as Tim took it all off! Poor Dad. Now his head is cold. But it will grow back in. He seems to have fairly thick hair (unlike me!) Great job June!
