Monday, March 1, 2021

Depiction of the First Vision

Although I don't mention Come Follow Me very often, we are pretty good at doing a lesson most week days. We switch up who is in charge and they get to do whatever they want. 

I was in charge when we were talking about the first vision. There are so many cool artistic depictions of the first vision. I thought that I would make one of my own. I cut out shapes and handed them over to groups and told them to make a picture of the first vision using the pieces I gave them.

This is what they came up with. June and Pearl had a good time. I like their tall, lanky bodies.

Ivory, Dad, and Daisy came up with a different version. Somehow theirs looked like a impressionistic face. I like it.

In case you are wondering, I did have a vision in mind. Here is what I was thinking.

The good news is that with art, you have creative license and each of these pieces are a valid interpretation. The important thing is that Joseph prayed and God revealed himself to a young boy. I'm so grateful that God still speaks to us.

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