Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Rubber Made

I got myself a fancy schmancy cake cookbook for this year. I wanted to do a cake a week. Hahahaha. That isn't going to happen. Instead, I might try to do a cake a month. 

I started right at the very beginning of the book with a cool marble cake. It looked like blue marbled very chic. Oh, let me go take a picture. Everything is better what you can see what it was supposed to look like. 

Pretty awesome huh? My first problem was that I couldn't find those blue colors, so I decided to do pinks instead. 

I made the cake and frosted it like it said. I don't really love making frosting...too much butter and greasiness in general. But this wasn't worse than any other. I learned some great tips for making the cake nice and flat and about doing a thin layer of frosting to catch crumbs, etc. 

Then it was time to glaze. The glaze combined three colors and used a bucket load of gelatin. (I think the British are more fond of their gelatin than we Americans. That said, this is an Martha Stewart cookbook, so...there's that.) My colors were too similar, so they blended too quickly and I didn't get any cool swirls. 

Also, I think I poured it while it was too warm. It didn't set fast enough and you could still see the cake through it. Anyway, learned some stuff and now you get to see pictures of my attempt.

It was very shiny. Should be with all the gelatin.

Then it was time to taste it. 


I was very disappointed. Sure, the glaze was rubbery, but I was expecting that. You can't add that much gelatin and not expect some weird texture, but the cake should have been exceptional. It was the basic cake recipe that they use with MANY of the cakes, and it was Not really that great. I was so bummed. 

Some of us had a slice, but I actually warned people to not eat it. Not worth the calories. I haven't picked up the cake book again. I really should move forward because there are probably other worthy cakes in there. And honestly, anything is going to be better than that pink cake. 

What can I say...nailed it.

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