Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Holidays That Should Not Be

I love our big window in the front of our house. And I love it even more that Robyn paints pictures on it. However, she isn't very good about putting up new ones, especially during the winter when it gets cold. I don't blame her. Who wants to stand outside and wash a window when it is below freezing?

Robyn made a goal this year to paint the window at least 4 times. She asked which holidays we would like her to do. It was just past New Year's, so it didn't make sense to choose that, but I wanted her to do one sooner than later, so I requested Valentine's Day. 

Ivory and I agree about Valentine's day. We love the decorations, but not the actual holiday so much. I love putting up cute hearts around the house, but I don't need flowers or, heaven forbid, conversation hearts. So I was looking forward to some hearts on the window. 

That's not what I got. Miss Sass had something else in mind. First she washed the window. You can see Nova in her favorite spot making sure the world continues to turn outside. 

Robyn tends to use herself as a paint palette. You can see which colors she used.

Instead of hearts and love, I got this...

Really? Single Awareness day?

Sheesh Robyn. Luckily I still had all my cutesie heart decorations inside and one outside. 

I didn't realize Robyn was a Valentine's Scrooge, but truly, I can't blame her. But maybe HEARTS on the window next time.

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