Monday, April 12, 2021

January Chatbook 2021

Wow, I am seriously off track. I got close to catching up and then I let it all slide away. I am like some kind of procrastination addict. The minute I see the wagon, I fall off of it. The good news is that I don't give up. There are lots of fun things that happened in February and March and we'll get there. All in good time. For today, let's go back and finish up January. 

Granny V brought over ingredients for BLTs. I haven't had one of those since I was a kid and it was a happy reunion. Made more happy by the fact that I like lettuce and tomato now. (It was just a bacon sandwich when I was a kid.) This may be my new favorite sandwich. They are dangerously delicious.

Let's stick with the food category. I tried out a new crepe topping. I already have a crepe recipe I love and the kids are always thrilled when I make a cream cheese filler, but the blackberry syrup was new and scrumptious.

I also tried making Caramel Delights. That is what Girl Scout 'Samoa' cookies were called back in my day. I can't seem to call them anything else. They actually weren't too tricky and everyone loved them. They disappeared quickly, but in a house of seven people, unless something is disgusting, that is usually the case.

Tried my hand at some artisan bread. I really enjoy making bread. When I get older I will be fat because I will make bread every day. Maybe that alone will keep Ivory from moving too far away. 

Daisy celebrated her birthday lunch with Dad. She often chooses a day around her half birthday. I like that she is sporting a shemaugh.

Ivory has a LOT of friends who work at Zaxby's, so she went to visit them one evening. I didn't have time to drive her over, so Robyn took her and they had a girls night out. Sisters are so cute.

Ivory did a super fun FHE activity that took us on a string hunt all over the house. I have done string activities before, but this was above and beyond. She was seriously dedicated to getting string everywhere. There were different colors that led different ways. I took a less traveled path and discovered in the end that was what you were supposed to do. Following blindly was a trap. Yay, I made it to heaven!

I did some henna on myself. That isn't so remarkable, but what was funny was that most people couldn't tell what it was. Can you identify this image? I'll give you a hint, it is not a beached whale, although several of my kids thought it was.*

We've been watching the Mandalorian around here. It is pretty good. So I appreciated this 3D printed baby Yoda I saw at the library. (Yes, I know it isn't Yoda. I still don't know what to call him.)

We took the girls to see WW84. It was not that great. At least, it wasn't worth theater money, but it might be fun to see on Netflix. But it was nice to go to the theater since we haven't been in a long time.

We got an awesome 2000 piece puzzle from Virginia this Christmas. We hadn't quite finished it when we needed the table it was on. Tyler came up with a brilliant idea to flip the table and put the puzzle on a mat. I've seen better methods. We will have to start almost from scratch when we get this back out.

The girls still love to play Super Mario Brothers on the Wii. Is it getting too easy? They seem to be making it more difficult...on purpose.

Let's have a cameo of Nova. Remember, we tried to kill her off with chocolate this month. But she is doing fine. She still snuggles well and keeps the house safe by barking at every living thing she sees through the window. 

I got vaccinated. It was available to me through the school system, so I decided to go for it. The first shot wasn't too bad, I just had a sore shoulder. The second gave me a headache and made me feel pretty bleh in general, but I slept that off in a day. Now I have my card so I can travel the world again. Sadly, it didn't make me a millionaire, so I can't afford to go anywhere. 

I finished Raven Queen. I think she is amazing. I got this pattern so long ago and put it on hold many times. But this was the year. Well, really last year was the year, but she is finished!

Daisy found a new thing where you spray water on a mirror and the flash makes it look like diamonds or glitter. Pretty cool effect.

Daisy also likes to edit pictures on my phone. She did some fun art on Tyler's feet and then colored one in. 

Ben came over. It was so nice to see him. He got back from his mission last year in June? It has been a while. I'm glad we finally got together. We learned that he can cry on command. When we played Ravine and he ate bad mushrooms and was paralyzed, we left him out of the shelter to die. (No hard feelings Ben.) He was already frozen in place, but you could see tears slide down his cheeks. Impressive. I need to learn that trick.

Here's some selfies of the girls. Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.

What can I say? We have fun around here. January, consider yourself in the books. February...I'm coming for you.

* The henna was a fox. Could you see it?

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