Monday, April 12, 2021

Injury Prone?

Tyler is not a clumsy person, but it is surprising how many injuries he collects. They are not all his fault, but a few could have been avoided. I wonder if I should start keeping track. It is almost April and already Tyler has picked up some battle scars this year. 

One of the first ones was from a friend, or at least Tyler thought they were friends. J.R. went out of town and asked if Tyler could stop by and let Navy out. Navy is a silver miniature Schnauzer. He is a very pretty dog with quirky ears. One goes up and one goes down. He's a sweetie.

Tyler was happy to let him out. He showed up in the evening, spent some time reacquainting with Navy and then went to put him out. Tyler realized that he would need to put Navy on a chain since there was no fence, so Tyler scooped him up. Oops. Navy didn't like that, and said so with his teeth. He sunk his jaws into Tyler's hand. Ouch.

To his credit, Tyler was very kind to Navy. He took him outside and managed to pry his hand out eventually. Then he had to spend a little time cleaning up the blood from the encounter. It was inside the house, on Navy and on the steps outside. Tyler did the best he could, but he didn't bother too much with outside. He figured it would be a souvenir of his time spent there. 

To his credit, Tyler went back the next morning and fed and let out Navy again. They got along just fine on this second encounter. 

The bite was pretty deep on his thumb. Everything has been healing well but Tyler did lose a little feeling in his thumb. He asked the doctor about that and he said it would probably come back, within 4 months to 8 years!! Yes, you read that right. Guess some nerves are a little slow to reconnect. 

While Tyler was there, he picked up our Christmas gifts. Because of Covid, we were a little slow to exchange this year. But we love our headlamps. They match our bright, shiny personalities. Thanks J's.

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