Monday, April 26, 2021

June's Senior Pictures Gallery

I think this may be the last gallery for June. Well, not including mission pictures and wedding pictures and stuff like that. But I think this is her last birthday photo shoot, that happens to double as her Senior Pictures. 

This girl is just stunning. She is beautiful and kind. She is so fun to be around. I think she turned out pretty well for being the experimental first child. I believe her future is bright and will bring her joy and success, mainly because she will make it so.

She is motivated and determined. She is funny and sharp. She is helpful and generous. She is June. What more can I say? Enjoy these lovely photos.

I'm not supposed to put which High School she is graduating from (for privacy reasons) but this might give you a clue.

We had a delightful day at the Salt Flats. We grabbed dinner on the way home, but I forgot to snap a picture. 

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