Friday, April 23, 2021

The Back Sync Direction Brothers

Every year at the High School, they have a Mega Concert in the Spring. It always has a theme and it is over the top with cool costumes and great songs. I always go to see it even though I haven't had any kids in choir. This year June decided to join choir and I'm so glad she did. It made the show just that much better. :)

The theme this year was Boys' Bands and there are plenty to choose from, all the way back from The Beatles to more modern groups like One Direction. I even found a few I had never heard of. June spent some time putting her costume together. She definitely had the 80s vibe going on; cornrows, blue eyeshadow, baggy jeans, and a windbreaker. 

The show was appropriately named The Back Sync Direction Brothers. There are quite a few choirs at the school. There is Con Brio, which is all girls and Man Choir which is all boys. There are a few mixed choirs ranging in level. Each group sang a couple numbers and then there were quite a few small group numbers. Almost all of the songs were familiar and sung pretty well.

June was in two numbers with the girls choir. First they sang I Want You Back by NSync. Here are some photos and then a video. Since you know what June is wearing, you can probably find her.

Then they sang Quit Playing Games by the Backstreet Boys. I'll admit that I wasn't part of the Boy Band craze in the 80s. My parents didn't listen to the radio, or much music at all. I would see girls wearing huge buttons with guy bands on them, but I didn't care much. I sort of missed it all. And I'm fine with that.

All around, it was a really fun concert to go see. I'm glad that next year Ivory will be in choir. I can't wait to see what they come up with in 2022...

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