Monday, May 31, 2021

February Chatbook 2021

Putting another month in the archives. These months have been so exciting. Looking back, I don't feel like we have been slowed down by Covid hardly at all in 2021. The activities have been happening and all the kids are going full throttle. There are some fun posts in store.

Today, we'll just look at the tid bits of February. Each month has special little moments that I like to hold on to. Let's go back and see what we had going on while it was still chilly outside.

I love this sign outside the library. Perfect Valentine's pick up line.

Because Ivory does ballroom, the makeup is often out and the younger kids like to play. Sometimes they do their own makeup and sometimes their sister does it for them. I'm liking this look on Pearl.

I put a squirt of sour cream on my Paco. It made a perfect pretzel shape. Couldn't do that again if I tried.

The library tarantula was out again. Maybe she's becoming more of an extrovert?

February was cold, as it should be. We didn't get a lot of snow, but there were a few white days.

I got a new toy for Nova. It was lambchop from that show in the 50s. Of course, my kids had no idea what that was. Nova took her apart in minutes. She still totes around the shreds of lambchop.

 I'm not one to try and take pictures surreptitiously, but this day was an exception. See anything interesting in this picture?

I'll give you a closer look. The older gentleman in front of me was wearing a kilt and he had a knife in his sock. That is so boss. Knife wielding Scottish Men in my grocery store.

When it gets cold outside, sometimes you have to be creative about where you can play Spikeball. We tried it out on a racquetball court at Tyler's work. It was really fun. It's a little tricky serving the short direction, but playing off the walls adds a new level.

Tyler and I went to see The Importance of Being Earnest. That is such a fun show. Masks were still required at the time. You can still tell Tyler is a handsome devil.

This picture is just funny to me. Kids lined up on the couch doing stuff and Nova being...well, Nova. 

Tyler did some shooting this month. They should go out to lunch, Aric looks really hungry.

Check out this tiny snowman. He is so adorable. Daisy did a great job. Too bad he probably didn't last long.

Tyler continues to perfect his salsa making skills. Each batch seems to get a bit better. Yum. Even Ivory is starting to eat it consistently. 

Here's another funny snow picture. We saw these guys when we were out walking. I like that people get creative with their snow people.

Robyn made cookies one day and then laid out five spoons with dough. She doesn't like people stealing, but she was kind enough to put one out for everyone. That is sweet.

June took a culinary class this semester and then skipped several classes here and there when she was studying for her harder Psychology class. So sometimes, she had to make up classes at home. She made several dishes that were quite tasty. She is actually a great cook and won't starve when she leaves home.

Converse are 'the' shoe. I think this picture of Hannah, Christina, and June is pretty typical.

Beanie selfie. Actually, a couple Robyn selfies. 

More snow flurries. I really don't think we had a lot of snow days. We just all took pictures on the few days we got snow.

Yep, this is how our mornings look...all the time. When do you think I'll become a morning person? 

I finished first in the top division in Duolingo. It is an achievement I've only tried for a few times, but I was very proud to get it. Go me! Now, if I could just learn Spanish. ;)

That's a wrap for February. 

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