Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Art Theme: Childhood

Summer has started. Summer art has started. Gotta keep up on these current events. I really have no idea what kind of participation we'll get this summer. Hopefully enough fun stuff to have a good show at the end of the summer, but who knows?

Our first theme was Childhood. We didn't have a lot of entries, but they were fun. Let's check them out.

We had a lot of photography. Ivory did a photo recreation, where you take a photo from the past and try to create the same one when the people are older. She did a great job choosing outfits and getting everyone in position. I think it turned out great. 

Original Photo

Feelin' Like a Kid Again by Ivory Cazier

Robyn did a photo shoot of the girls with bubbles a little while ago and thought it was a perfect choice for childhood.

Bubbles and Giggles by Robyn Cazier

Daisy did a semi-recreation photo. She took a picture that shows how she used to get into my makeup when she was young. She really was a stinker who was constantly finding and experimenting with anything she could get her hands on. 

Oopsie Daisy by Daisy Cazier

I did a screen print of one of my favorite add-on pictures. An add-on picture is when someone draws a random line and then everyone takes turns adding something to the picture. We often draw these during Stake Conference. June, Robyn, and I did this one. June added the alien spaceship. I added the dinosaur and Robyn added the little ship pulling up a piece of the mountain, which I thought was hilarious. I thought it would be great to immortalize it on a t-shirt and so I did.

Bring Home Something Cool by Maleen Cazier

Pearl made this adorable piece. It is a tribute to the games of Parcheesi she used to play with Grandma. Excellent.

Parcheesi Promise by Pearl Cazier

And finally some art from Megan, my mom! She put together a collage of photos that shows what a Grandma might be dreaming of. Hopefully you can see what they say.

Second Childhood by Megan Dargan

Fun art. Our next theme is Subterranean. That could be very interesting.

Pearl submitted this piece later. It's so cute and I love how well it goes with Childhood.

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