Friday, June 11, 2021

Let's Play Zoo

Ivory took Biology this last school year and that meant she needed lots of Bio-encounters. She got some around our town and some at the aquarium, but she was still missing a few, so she asked if we could go to the zoo. Also, Pearl had been asking for a while to go to the zoo and it was so close to her birthday, I figured I would bring her as well.

So one afternoon, the three of us went to the zoo. It was in March, so Covid wasn't exactly a thing of the past yet. It was so incredibly empty. It was like visiting an abandoned city where the animals have taken over. Except all those animals are still in cages. It was just a little surreal. There were a few people there, but not more than 30 that we saw. 

Ivory obviously took a lot of pictures because she needed them for Bio, but I'm only going to share my favorites on here. We saw a lot of animals and some in fun places and positions.

The lions were enjoying a nice bask in the sun.

I think this elephant was actually posing for pictures and when we started clicking away, her friend got jealous and came over to join in.

There was a baby gorilla, named Georgia. It was hard to catch a good picture, but can you see the mom holding her tight? Super sweet.

The rhino was also nice and close for pictures. Ivory was nervous that it wouldn't take much for that rhino to escape, but I assured her the steel ropes were plenty strong.

Gotta love squirrels. I wonder if they go to the zoo just to show off to the other animals. "Hey look! I'm not in a cage. And Mark Rober loves me best!"

The otters are always a favorite and they were very active. We spent quite a while watching them swim and play.

The seals and sea lions weren't doing much. Most of them were sunning and being quite lazy with the occasional barking. But this little guy was enjoying the waterfall. I don't really think of seals and waterfalls together, but this seal changed my mind. Also, I think it would make a good hiding spot. He was almost camouflaged in the white water.

Up in the Asian animal area, we saw a few fun things. The Red Panda was super cute and we caught him awake. The tiger...not so much. But he was sleeping plenty close enough for viewing. And I'm not sure I've seen a Turkmenian Markhor before, but their curly horns are epic.

We found Timone, but sadly, Pumbaa was in another area. How dare they separate such close friends.

In the animal house where you find a lot of random animals and reptiles, we spotted the armadillo. He was so active and scouting around. Such a cutie. 

We also saw three empty exhibits for the Sand Cat. Why so many empty cages? Then we actually found a Sand Cat. Cats are pretty high maintenance. Perhaps this one desires a change of scenery now and then, hence the multiple areas?

Finally it was time to leave. The sun was sinking lower and Ivory had plenty of encounters. We walked back through and that elephant was still posing. That, or she really was struggling to get food out of that thing.

The lion was pacing right by the fence. It looks like you could stick your fingers in and pet his nose. But we were actually behind another barrier. Too bad. He looks friendly...

The zebra was playing Hide and Seek. Can you find him?

Well, he tried.

We finally caught the giraffe outside. She was toying with us for a while but she finally decided she enjoyed the company.

And here are my two favorite monkeys at the zoo. It was a super fun afternoon. It's not every day you have the zoo to yourself.

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