Sunday, June 13, 2021

Pearl Turns Eleven

Seriously the nerve of Pearl to continue growing. She's my baby, but she keeps getting taller and smarter and all around awesome. I'm so glad she is part of our family.

For her birthday, she really wanted to take a trip. Not just to the zoo like you saw in the last post, but somewhere out of the state. It took a while to plan, but we decided to go to the Four Corners. Then she could be in four states at once. I was in the midst of hotel planning and adding activities to the list, when I noticed that the Four Corners was CLOSED. What!? It is literally a flat place with a small monument on the ground. But I guess it belongs to someone and they closed it. So that trip went out the window. We substituted a trip to Idaho, but that is a story for another day my friends.

Today we are simply celebrating Pearl and her fabulous day. Covid doesn't stop too many things. You can still do balloons and Dad still took Pearl to lunch. Gotta love fondue.

We still did presents and cake. Well, it wasn't really cake. Pearl asked for Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies. Look at her cute little excited clasped hands...

In case you can read those candles, she didn't turn 98. I just didn't have candles on hand. Mom fail.

Pearl got lots of fun gifts. Some she used right away. I helped her do the owl diamond art. I've never seen a 3D one like that. And it was fun to see it glow with different colors.

Her new leotard went on right away. And her pillowcase that Daisy made her looks like a small superhero cape. That makes sense since her super power is doing handsprings and making people laugh.

And we measured her in the evening. Like I said, still growing. Drat.

Later I found that she had done her own selfie photo shoot on my phone. I think she took a picture with every single filter on there and then some more pictures with her gifts and what not. So here's some bonus pictures of Pearl. She really is a ray of sunshine in our lives. 

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