Monday, May 17, 2021

I used to be addicted to soap, but I'm clean now

Tricia and I try to escape once a month to hang out. We go to movies, stitch together, take walks, or do whatever we find that is interesting. Tricia chose this month and took me to the Soap Factory. I had never even heard of this place.

It's not very big and it was actually a little crowded when we got there. But we didn't wait too long for anything. First you choose your mold. There is a wall of dozens and dozens of molds. I almost chose a Star Wars themed one, or some skull and crossbones, but I settled on a hedgehog.

Next you choose your scent. There is a station of essential oils that all smelled disgusting. I'm not sure if it is because my nose is just a little sensitive to smell, or because they were concentrated, but each smelled worse than the last. The only ones I could stomach were lemon and lime. I can do citrus, but even the mandarin and tangerine smelled a little off to me.

Then you choose your mix ins, which I skipped, and your color. I had no idea what the colors would look like in the soap, so I choose something neutral. Hedgehogs come in all colors, right?

Plus, you can paint your soap at the end. There are a whole bunch of colors, some of them very shimmery, and you can add those on top of your soap.

Tricia and I were ready to go. We were put at a table and after a bit, our warm soap was brought out. You simply fill your molds, add your colors, scents and mix ins and stir until it starts to harden. It doesn't take too long.

Then, they take your molds away to put them in an ice bath to get them to set quicker. That also doesn't take terribly long, but since they had games available, we decided to play. We chose Rummy-O. By the time I beat Tricia :) our soaps were set and ready to paint.

Tricia did four small soaps and I did one large one. The painting was pretty fun. I wanted to make sure I added good highlights but didn't go overboard.

Look how cute the little dino is. I like his spots.

I was really happy with how my hedgehog turned out. 

The final step is spraying your soap with more soap so the paint is sealed. It will obviously come off if you use it, but in the meantime, you can touch it without getting paint on your fingers. These dino soaps were super cute. They look dark in this picture, but they were very adorable up close.

It was a very fun outing. I bet the girls would love to come make soap sometime. Next time, I might try this puzzle soap. Then it is a game and soap. What multi-tasking fun.

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