Tuesday, May 11, 2021

PROM 2021

Frank Warning: This post is chalk full of pictures. Duh, it's prom. And pictures are so fun. And the girls looked amazing! So let's dive in.

Most dances begin with someone asking someone else. Isaac asked June pretty early on once Prom was officially announced. He left a poster on her car when she was at work. (You should know Isaac is very patriotic, but maybe you can tell that from the poster.)

June had fun responding by painting a mug for him and filling it with his favorite treat. At the bottom of the mug, it said yes!

Robyn's date asked in a less traditional manner. Rhett actually asked if she had a date to prom and when she replied 'no,' he said they should hang out and do something else. Well, Robyn already had a dress, so she suggested that perhaps they go to Prom after all. Rhett responded that he would LOVE to take her to prom. It was a poster-less event. :)

Both girls did the day date. That was not a thing when I was growing up in Washington. You just went to the dance in the evening. But now it is an all day event. Robyn's group went to Good Moves Café where they ate lunch and played Secret Hitler.

June's rather large group played outdoor games like nine square and spikeball.

The girls came back home in shifts which was perfect for me since I was doing hair. Robyn was ready first, since her date was coming back to pick her up earlier. We got her all dolled up and she looked stunning.

Rhett arrived and we did a few more pictures, including pinning on the boutonniere. Robyn struggled a little, so Tyler helped. Then they were off.

So I switched daughters and worked on June's hair. She had extra time to get ready, since some of the girls in her group took a bit longer. She looked beautiful!

Isaac showed up and there was more exchanging of flowers. So pretty. These two look pretty cute together.

I like to take my own pictures even though I know they are going to go out and take more. All the better to remember the moment. Robyn's group had a great time. They chose nature as their background and a friend, Cherry, took pictures for them in the canyon. Robyn brought a bubble machine. (Sometimes you need bubbles.) She and Rhett had a great time. They only had three couples in their group, but that is a good number.

June's group chose a city background. (I honestly like both.) Her group was much larger. Harder to manage the numbers, but such a party. They all looked amazing.

June's group did dinner at one of the guy's houses, while Robyn dined out. 

Robyn took some pictures at the dance, while June didn't carry her phone at all.

Each girl had their own experience, but they each had a great time. I enjoyed watching them stumble through the door around midnight as their coaches turned back into pumpkins. I listened to stories as I took out bobby pins (26 in Robyn's hair, 27 in June's) Theses girls are so great. They still looked incredible even after a night of dancing and fun. (It was a bit chilly and both dances were outside. But I believe both boys were gentlemen and offered their jackets to the ladies.)

Prom was a success. Now take off your slippers and head to bed. Or, crash on the couch. Sometimes that's as far as you can get.

Eventually I'll go back and post about dress shopping since that was a party of its own. But for now, I needed to get some prom pictures where people could find them. It is a crime to deny the world of such cuteness. :)

The End

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