Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Inktober 2020

Robyn may be upset that I'm doing this post, but tough beans. As usual, she came up with some amazing art last October. I proudly displayed it in my copy room at work. (I'm getting very good at making prints since she won't let me use the originals anymore.) However, she didn't finish. Art sort of trickled in over the next couple of months. That's fine by me. 

But when I wanted to blog about it, she said, "NO" because she wasn't finished. Well, I can always add pictures later, but my instinct is that she won't finish. Mainly because she is busy. She has school, work and a myriad of other things to keep up with. So, I'll be happy with the art I have. 

Robyn used the official Inktober prompts again, but sometimes you have to stretch to see how her art relates. Trust me, she is definitely using the prompt, we lesser souls just can't always connect it. :)

She didn't do all of them (as mentioned above) and she didn't label all her art, so good luck. At least I'll leave them in order for you. 

You've gotten admit...she has some talent. I love seeing what she comes up with. A few more may sneak on here later. We'll see. But in the meantime, I'll just look forward to next October.

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