Friday, May 28, 2021

Dancing the Night Away

Frankly, this post is completely out of order, but I need to delete all these videos off my phone, so this post gets preference. And it's still a great post. 

* I'd like to add my apologies right now. The night that we went to see Ivory perform, we sat by a lady with possibly no concert etiquette whatsoever. She didn't wear her mask (although they were required at the time), she sang along to all the songs she knew, she put her feet up on the chair in front of her, and she screamed like crazy all the time. So all the really loud screaming you hear in the videos is from her and just know that I restrained myself from hitting her multiple times.

Besides that, the concert was really fun. It was the end of year dance concert, so everyone did lots of dances. Ballroom team had several as well as Orchesis. There is also a group called NHSD and the basic ballroom team danced. Lots of good stuff. As per usual, I'll put some stills in followed by the video. Tyler was great to take pictures since his phone is better, and I took the video. I'll even try to tell you where Ivory is at the beginning. Good luck following her. 

They did something new for this performance as well. They had Motive (a vocal group from the high school) come and sing at the beginning and also for one of the ballroom dances. Always cool to have live music.

This first dance was a little weird. A flashing red light comes on when it says the word violence; you are not having a seizure. Also, a lot of the dance is dark with silhouettes. (Not my favorite.) This one is a little tricky to follow Ives. She starts on the right, in the middle. Then she moves to the left middle. May the force be with you. Gabe is her partner in this dance.

Next up was Amy's dance. This was one of my favorites. Ivory danced it earlier in the year and we have a great video, which will probably end up on the blog again sometime. Ivory starts on the back left with Gabe. Then she ends up far left. Once again, too much silhouette. (How are we supposed to see these people?)


I'm also sorry that I have forgotten almost all the names of the songs. I basically remember the dances by what costumes they were wearing. For instance, this is the one with the leopard skirts. (I actually think it is a Samba.) This one is hard to track Ivory. She starts far right with Aaron. He is a tall skinny guy with glasses. Keep an eye on them, they move around.

This was the dance where Motive sang a song from the Lion King. It was a great background for this lovely dance. Ivory starts in the front on the left. She is wearing a red dress and dancing with Luke. Maybe that will help. (The red dress that is, I don't expect you to know Luke.)

Here's the last one for the evening. This is the one with the fringe pants. They are so fun to watch. Ivory starts in the back middle, dancing with Gabe again.

There was a finale where everyone danced to Hamilton music. Pretty fun, but I have enough video on here for one night. Also, Ivory was in the back and you can't really see her the whole time. 

It has been such a fun year for ivory. They didn't have many competitions because of Covid, but plenty of dancing and lots of memories and that is the best of all.

And of course I found more cute photos later on, on June's phone. Got to get a couple back stage selfies.

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