Saturday, May 29, 2021

Ivory Turns 15!

Because Covid lasted over a year, everyone got to have some semblance of a Covid birthday. Some weren't as affected as others. I think the only difference for Ivory was that I forgot to buy her balloons. Oopsie. 

But she still had a great time. She went out to lunch with the parental units to MidiCi. They have some tasty pizza.

She was measured and we decided that last year was NOT her growth spurt year. 

We did cheesecake and presents.

And then we went ice skating for a family activity. It was really fun. All the girls aren't too bad on the ice. There was even some practice skating backwards. 

Ivory is such a delight to have in our family. Maybe I'll buy her some balloons later this year. Who doesn't like random balloons?

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