Wednesday, July 21, 2021


Dog periods are gross. I think I've only had dogs that have already been fixed before Nova. It was new to find blood in random places or find drops of it across the floor. It was really not fun. Plus, Nova has been known to escape the yard now and then and we didn't want to ourselves with 5-8 puppies, so we decided to get Nova spayed. 

Tyler took her in one day and she came back with a shaved belly and a cone.

The anesthetic made her a little groggy and her tongue didn't quite go back in her mouth. She seemed very sad and weak. The girls took turns watching her. You could tell they were all concerned and wanted her to feel better soon.

She had a bandage on her leg from the IV, but that came off quickly. 

The cone however had to stay on for a couple weeks. She bumped into a lot of things and it was comical watching her chase the ball. She didn't like the cone, but she quickly became resigned to it and still did most of the things she liked to do, like snuggling on any pillows left on the floor.

Then one day, the cone came off. Pearl was the lucky one to remove it. Nova gave the cone a nice lick. I think it was her way of saying, "Goodbye and good riddance."

She is back to her normal self of barking at everyone outside and trying to eat every bird that comes in the yard. I think I'll keep the cone just in case we ever need a good disciplinary method.

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