Wednesday, July 21, 2021

March Chatbook 2021

Phew. I am a little behind since it is July right now. But I'll keep plugging away. There are just too many fun memories that need to get on here eventually. So today, I'll take you back to March of this year. We were still wearing masks most of the time, school was still in full swing, and we were still having silly adventures every day. Life is full of fun times.

Our sweet friend Olivia got married. Her wedding colors were leopard print. How awesome is that? She had on the cutest shoes and her bridesmaids were wearing leopard print dresses. Amazing.

Pearl did Battle of the Books. Her team did well, but didn't win. They were the Flamingo Queens. Pearl read ALL 20 books and received an award. Props kiddo.

Some cuties sleeping. Everyone gets tuckered out sometimes.

I have fun decorating my calendar at work. I often forget to take a picture, but I liked my March calendar, so I made sure to include it.

We had a fun virtual activity where we learned to make cinnamon rolls. Something was weird with the recipe because it made SO MUCH dough. I had enough left over to make a whole pan of dinner rolls as well. They were tasty, but I think I'd have to half the recipe next time.

They'd been building a bridge over the freeway near us for months and months. We were super excited when they finished it, mostly because we didn't have to take the detour anymore. But also, it was fun to walk across and see the freeway from up there. 

I found these two cuties hanging out on the trampoline. How sweet is this moment?

Looks like Ivory got some new glasses, but decided to try on every pair she owns at once. What do you call this person? Ten eyes?

Time for new flip flops! I remembered this year. That is always a sign that good weather is coming.

I think Ivory's favorite pillow is the dog pillow.

Little cheeky monkey got a job. Just barely 15 and she snagged a good one. They couldn't help but hire her with her sparkling personality. I'm not which she likes more...the money or the free froyo?

Christina came over now and then after school to play games. We were playing Quiddler and her words made a sentence. That doesn't happen often. It was awesome. It said, PIG IN THE BOX. They are way cooler than Jack-in-the-boxes.

March means pink socks day on the 7th. We made sure to celebrate in style. Style meaning pink socks of course. We miss you Grandpa Berry!

I always enjoy finding selfies of Daisy. They are usually edited and quite original.

I think June went up to Salt Lake and took a picture of the temple under renovation. I forgot they were working on it. 

Love this cool swerving braid that June did on Ivory. So beautiful and thick. I miss having thick hair.

Look at these cuties. June has such fun friends. Left to right: Olivia, Eve, and June.

Gotta have some sweet selfies of Robyn. She is such a beauty.

Let's end with a shot of the moon. Utah is quite a lovely place to live. 

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