Monday, July 26, 2021

Sponge Cake for Breakfast

I don't really approve of April's Fools pranks. Because of this, I've tried to steer the kids away from pranks and we do silly pictures instead. But the older girls took matters into their own hands this last April. We woke up to find a lovely cake on the table. Doesn't it look suspicious.

I knew something was going to be wrong with it. Too much salt? No sugar? Food coloring? I didn't know what. But while Pearl was trying to cut it, something was strange. You can tell by my face that I didn't know what was going on.

Turns out it was cutting strange because it was a sponge. 

The colored sponges looked so tasty with the frosting and sprinkles. 

The bigs knew the littles might be disappointed by a fake cake, so they also made a real one as well. That is sweet.

But I didn't realize there were other weird things happening around the house. When I opened the fridge later, I found this.

And later in my bedroom, there was this. 

I thought they were all very cute April Fool's stunts, but I still lobbied to have everyone leave the pranks behind. It all seems fun until someone's feelings are hurt. Let's stick to silly pictures. 

Which will be up tomorrow.

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