Thursday, July 8, 2021

Don't Forget the Gold

March is always a busy month, what with Pearl's birthday, track meets starting, school concerts, lots of school, and just being a family of seven in general. It is possible that we may have forgotten to leave any gold out for Seamus on the Eve of St. Patrick's Day. 

We woke up to find a scolding letter and a small treasure hunt. Mornings are not our best showing, so no one was very keen to walk around looking for stuff. I'd like to thank Ivory for following every clue and still sharing the treasure at the end.

We knew we needed to leave some gold in the pot, pronto, so we went through our ritual, just in the morning instead of at night. 

You can tell that some people weren't entirely awake. Oddly, it was on a Wednesday, so there wasn't school that day for most of the kids. And you can tell from the pictures that Daisy and I did our coins later in the morning since it is light outside. I can't even tell you why? (Or maybe the sun just rose really fast?) Anyway, enjoy our coin drops. See how many coins you can detect in the pictures? Sometimes you can see them falling...

Seamus collected his gold at some point, so no curses rained down upon us. We're sorry loyal Leprechaun. We'll try to be better next year. 

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