Thursday, July 15, 2021

This Trip Had Us In Stitches

Pearl was set on a out-of-state trip for her birthday. I'm not sure how she got that into her head, but it stuck. She wanted swimming to be included if possible, and those were the only stipulations she had.

I set to work and came up with a fun plan to visit the Four Corners so we could be in four states at once. And I would include swimming at a hotel somewhere in there. It all sounded good right up until we found out that the Four Corners was closed due to Covid. (This was back in March after all) Back to the drawing board.

It seemed the next natural conclusion was to go see Grandma up in Idaho. It is out-of-state, it was right around her birthday, and I could also get some dress shopping done with the girls and invite aunt Kat too. We just needed some swimming, so we decided to stop by Lava Hot Springs on the way up.

Once everyone was out of school, we packed up the car, very efficiently I might add, and we were out of Dodge. I did most of the driving. People snoozed, the dog was annoying...just your usual road trip.

Lava Hot Springs is fun. It is not your normal pool. Pearl thought we were there to play, but we all wanted to sit and soak. Because we are Cazier's, we still played some. We sat and asked questions that everyone had to answer and then we played some Charades. Ivory was amazingly bad at it. Even the people sitting near us were trying to figure out what she was doing. :)

The pools are all different temperatures. We stayed predominantly in the coolest pool which is 102-105 degrees. Daisy kept begging me to go in the hottest pool. That one is 112 degrees. That is not my flavor at all, but after so much insistence, I finally dipped my feet in. Mistake. I got heat rash almost instantly. My feet itched and stung for almost an hour after. But the trip to the Spring overall was worth it.

We stopped by Red Robin for dinner. We don't eat out very often because it is pricey, but it was a very nice dinner and I really liked the art in the restaurant, from hanging bottle lights, to crayon pixel art. Super cool. 

When we got to Idaho, Granny V was very excited to see us. She couldn't really jump for joy, since her foot was broken. She was stuck in a chair most of the time, but we could still give her gifts. We had all previously gone to Color Me Mine and we painted measuring cups. Everyone got to do one for her, and Tyler did both the tiny ones. They turned out really cute, and if Grandma ever gets up on her feet again, she can use them for cooking.

The next day was really fun. I took the girls dress shopping for Prom dresses with Aunt Kat. We don't see Kat nearly enough. She is so fun and kind. We went to lunch first at this fantastic bagel place. 

Then we went searching for prom dresses. June had already been asked to prom and Robyn had not, but it seemed like a good idea to get dresses at the same time, just in case. We tried multiple shops. Some were crazy expensive and others were a little strange. We ended up getting all our dresses at Dillard's. (I know, not very unique, but when you find a dress you like, you go for it.) The girls tried on dozens of dresses, so I thought I'd give you a sample of the fun we had.

I already posted about prom, so you might remember the dresses, but here were the final choices.

It was a blast. I'm so glad that Kat came. I'm not sure she gets to go dress shopping too often since she has three boys, but we were the ones blessed by her company. 

When we weren't on the town, we got some time with family. The K's introduced us to The Bears and the Bees. It was really fun. We all had a great time playing.

Then Tyler decided to spice things up a bit. From the other room, we heard a scream. It was Granny V. We rushed in and she was breathing hard and leaning on the counter. What was wrong?

Well, nothing with her actually. She was freaking out because Tyler had pulled the ice maker out of the freezer. It was really stuck in there and upon letting go, it came right up into his face and caught the bridge of his nose. It had sliced right into him. It was deep enough that we decided he could probably use some stitches. 

Although three of our kids have gotten stitches, I've never been the one to take them, so I've never seen stitches being put in. Since I was the one on duty, I asked the lady if I could watch. She said it was just fine, so I got to see the fish hook going in and I liked the way she tied them off so nicely. Although they numbed him before, you could tell he could still feel one of the stitches going in. But Tyler is stoic. He said politely afterward, "I could definitely feel that one." He ended up with five stitches.

He will probably have a small scar, but I bet it will hardly be noticeable after a while. That about wrapped up our trip. It was short, sweet, and a little bloody, but we got a couple dresses, dropped off some gifts, did some 'swimming' and Pearl left the state, so we will call this one a WIN!

Oh, and Tyler got to visit his old stomping grounds. He spent a lot of time at the hospital as a youth. They still had this information on file. 

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