Monday, July 5, 2021

Fireworks, Face Paint, and Family

I love this time of year. And I love it when the 4th falls on a Sunday, because then you have the whole weekend to play. We took advantage and we had a blast. 

On Saturday, our ward had a BBQ at the park. It used to be a breakfast, but they mixed it up this year. There was a great turn out and lots of fun games: Nine square, Volleyball, Ladderball, and Corn Hole. 

Our crew showed up and took the party by storm, of course. Not really, but we played some Ladderball (which I learned how to play) and lots of Corn Hole. Robyn is a corn hole pro. And Pearl learned and was a great teammate as well. 

The food was great. We ate until we were stuffed. I decided that a table full of open chip bags that everyone is reaching into is a clear sign that Covid is not worrying anyone here.

The rest of the day was chores and rest, except for Tyler who was busy doing Real Estate. Robyn had to work in the evening, but for once, she could wear what she wanted and dress up cute. I think she is adorable.

Sunday was our family day. We put Tyler in charge of making burgers. It seems like you are breaking a cardinal rule if you don't grill something and more importantly, we'd be wasting the awesome skills of the Stallion. 

We added in watermelon, games, and time outside. Everything you need for a family fourth. (You may notice the lack of Daisy. She was in Idaho hanging out with Grandma. We sure missed her. It didn't feel complete without the Cakes.)

Then Robyn decided to do some face painting. She started with Pearl, moved on to Ivory, and finished up with June. And June was kind enough to return the favor for her. I'm glad that we always have face paint around and I'm impressed with what the girls can do with it.

Then we had to take lots of photos because these girls were stunning. (Pearl got my camera and took a ton of selfies. That girl sure does love selfies.)

As evening fell, we made our way to our usual spot atop the parking garage. It is tradition and the girls demanded we go. Oddly, there was no one there. I was surprised. We saw one other car while we were there and it left quickly. We brought games and played Codenames until it got dark enough and then we watched the assortment of fireworks.

We watched right up until the police asked us to leave. Oops. We've never been kicked out before. The officer was really nice and he felt bad asking us to go, but the whole campus was closed. Maybe because it was a Sunday? And in retrospect, maybe that is why it was so empty. Everyone else knew it was off limits... But it was okay. We packed up and moved the party to our roof. We don't often climb to the top, but with Tyler's help, we all got up there easily enough.

It was a fabulous couple days and I loved spending time hanging with the family and watching some fireworks. This is June's favorite holiday and I can see why.

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