Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Honor Band 2021

Robyn did Honor Orchestra last year before Covid struck. She was invited again this year. It seemed thrown together, but perhaps they just asked Robyn at the last minute. Also, it did feel a little different this year, but that is probably because of Covid. The kids wore masks (when they weren't playing) and it was at a different location than usual. 

Most of the family was able to attend. It was really fun to listen to. The group played four pieces. Robyn played marimba, crash cymbals, and timpani. Here she is on marimba. She is sporting a very "Robyn" outfit. Everyone wears black, so naturally Robyn is wearing Navy Blue. (She wasn't alone...there was one guy in a navy blue suit. It really does stand out.) And her nice white kicks. 

The kids were very talented. All their songs were good, but I liked the Patriotic one the most.

A few of us left quickly after, but Tyler and Daisy stayed to take some photos with Robyn. I'm so proud of her and her boss sauce percussion skills.

These are great experiences for the kids to have. Especially when there was a lack of normal concerts this school year.

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