Friday, November 26, 2021

A trip to Park Citay

* Guest blogger Robyn Cazier

As an art student, the teachers like to expose us to different types of art as frequently as they can. So when the photo kids decided they wanted to see some galleries in park city and practice photographing art, the AP art class hopped right aboard that boat. (Yes I am in AP art, I am literally that fancy and fabulous) So we drove down to park city and there was a surprising amount of galleries there. I didn't think that there would be as many as there were, but there was like 6 or 7 of them. The things that impressed me the most about the galleries is that all the pieces meshed together. One of the artists worked with transparent canvases and paint smears. Another artist used antique photos and then painted their own stuff on top with interesting backgrounds. One of them painted only on floppy disks ;)

The other thing that impressed me a lot was the scale. Every single piece was bigger than 3' x 3'. And many were much longer than 7 ft. I love big scale canvases, but I can't really work on any with justification from the school because big canvases are expensive. I really want to try painting a 7 x 7 canvas, but that probably wont happen until I'm in college.

And so I continue my journey through art by taking ideas from others and living by this quote "Good artist's borrow. Great artists steal." -Picasso

Enjoy some of the art I photographed!

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