Monday, November 29, 2021


In the spring, we sometimes will spy a nest in the trees. In 2018, it was fun to watch a nest of baby birds get fed and grow up. It is important that the birds stay in the trees because Nova will clean them up if they reach the ground. 

So this year, when Pearl found a baby bird outside, she was so afraid for it. We had patrols that would take Nova outside and make sure she didn't go near the bird. Pearl named him Bert. He was just a baby. He had some fluffy cute feathers, but they weren't good for flying yet. His mom stayed near and kept bringing him food.

Every day we would check on Bert and make sure he was doing okay. He'd hop around the yard and we'd find him in different places, but he never went too far.

He got on the trampoline for awhile. He had trouble finding his way out of there.
Then we found him in the branches of a low bush. This was progress. He was able to flutter up there and you could tell his wings were getting stronger. 

Then one day, he was gone. We don't really know what became of Bert, but I like to think he flew away and became a strong Robin that will come back in the spring and make a nest of his own...maybe in the neighbors yard, away from our dog. 

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