Monday, November 29, 2021

October Chatbook 2021

Let's get October in the books. I only have a few tidbits that don't have a home this time around. 

In October, June was doing college, dating Isaac, getting ready for a mission, and working. (She finally quit her second job at the end of September.) She was a tired chica. I often would find her sleeping on the couch or with her homework nearby. Such is the life of a young adult. In general, she does a good job balancing all the chaos.

Daisy has a lot of hair and it often ends up on top of her head in some kind of bun. On this particular day, it looked like an angry octopus sitting on her noggin. Can you see it?

Ivory and I went to see Mousetrap. It was so fun. They make you promise not to give away the ending, so people can go and enjoy the plot for themselves. So I won't tell you what happened, but I will tell you that I guessed part of it. ;)

Probably because we've watched some GLOW UP, but Pearl has been experimenting with makeup. It is fun to see her try new things. She'll play with eyeliner and eye shadow, but her favorite by far is the bright red lipstick.

Tyler taught the kids poker. Well, just Pearl and Ivory. I think Pearl cleaned up. I'm impressed since I'm still not sure how the rules work. I only know Blackjack.

Tyler has the most epic hair. I especially like when it looks like a surfer wave. It's hard to find a ripcurl like that one.

Ah Nova. Some days I love her and others I can barely tolerate her. But Pearl always adores her. Someone should.

Tyler went bowling with friends. He hasn't been in years and he straight up bowled a 142. Very nice. The only thing that could make it sweeter would be to get a turkey.

Nova likes to hang out under the beds. She looks rather sinister.

This is Nauvoo. Ivory is taking a Child Development class and she took care of Nauvoo for two days. I sleep really well and didn't wake up at all to her crying, but I think Ivory has more respect for the sacrifice of mothers.

We'll leave you with this lovely selfie of Robyn. She's such a beauty.

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