Saturday, November 13, 2021

Concert Attire Please

October is a concert month. Everyone has had long enough in their program or class that they want to show off what they are working on. Unfortunately, we still have issues with concerts overlapping. But we do our best to get to every one that we can. 

To consolidate, I'm putting three concerts on here. Let's get started with Ivory. She is singing in Con Brio this year. It's actually the same choir that June did last year. But their outfits are WAY cooler this time around. They wear long dresses that are super sparkly on top.

Ivory sang as an alto all through Junior High and then Mr. Taylor tested all the girls voiced and changed Ivory to not just soprano, but FIRST soprano. Wow. Ivory even tried out for a got to sing a descant with some other girls. You can listen for it around 2:47.

Daisy is also doing choir. She does advanced girls in the morning and Concert choir during school hours. She likes both of them and we like listening to her sing. I arrived a bit late to her concert and got a side seat, which is why you get the profile this time around.

Daisy wore a mask since she got sick right before. She was feeling better, but she lost her voice for a bit and got it back just in time for the concert. What luck.

Then Tyler attended the second concert and got a much better view of her Concert choir song.

I wish I had filmed one of the combined choir songs. They sang Double Trouble and it sounded awesome. For your listening pleasure, I have a different version, and it's almost as good. ;) Listen here

Then we have Robyn as well. She plays in the Jazz Band of course. She plays the piano and does an amazing job. I was actually frustrated that you couldn't hear more of the piano. You could see her doing the glissando a couple times, but I couldn't hear it. Bummer.

She also helped out playing percussion for one of the bands as well. She did three songs and played three different instruments. She did snare, which is the one I have the video of. You can always hear snare and I actually thought Robyn never played it, but she did great.

She also played Marimba in one song and then Timpani. She was so satisfied with her timpani performance. That isn't her favorite percussion instrument and she nailed it. Not bad after only two weeks of having the music.

All these girls are so awesome. It is delightful to go listen to them in concert and even better that there are concerts this year. It almost feels normal.

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