Monday, November 15, 2021

Spooky Anniversary 2021

October is our month to celebrate that we have been able to stand each other another year. This year we decided to get away to the Hines Mansion again. We have been there a couple times before and it is always lovely. (Seaside Room and Library)

First we went to dinner at Kitchen 88. It was so scrumptious. I want to go back and try everything on the menu. I don't think we look too bad for 22 years under our belts. 

At the Hines, we chose the Garden Room this time. We actually had a hard time finding it. We wandered around the small mansion for about ten minutes and we found a lot of things that weren't our room. Then I remembered that there was a door as we walked in, so we wandered back to the entryway. Lo and behold, the Garden Room is right off the main door. 

It's a super cute room. I like all the little details they put into decorating, from stained glass windows to purple sheets. The tub is great too. Poor Tyler doesn't get a tub in the master bath at home, so he loves staying at a place with a big tub.

We didn't have big plans; mostly we just wanted some time to ourselves, away from the kids. But we ended up going to the Haunted Forest. It has been almost 20 years since I've been there. Ivory had been just a few days before and she was telling me how long it was. I wanted to see for myself. We went in smiling and came out terrified.

Just kidding. It wasn't that scary. Mainly because we aren't teenage girls. Most of the characters left us alone, since we didn't run or scream. There were plenty of jump scares and we were definitely startled several times. My favorite things were the big automaton monsters. They looked so cool. Overall, it was a lovely 45 minute stroll. We even saw the moon hiding behind clouds. Mr. Moon was in the spirit too.

Then back to the Hines for a cozy getaway. I really recommend that place. They have homemade cookies in the kitchen that I may have sampled multiple times. They make a tasty breakfast in the morning and they have such fun themed rooms. 

We haven't taken our anniversary photos yet. We have to get in line since I haven't done Daisy's either. If someone could just hold onto the sun for a couple days, maybe I could catch up.

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