Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Les Mis and Illegal Pictures

There are a few plays that we have to go see when they come around and Les Mis is one of them. We were so excited when we heard it was coming to the Hale in Sandy. That newish theater is so awesome and I was excited to see what they could do with it.

Naturally we took the older girls. It was Ivory and Robyn's first time to see it in play form. (I think Robyn's seen the movie.)

Nailed this selfie.

I sat by Ivory because I wanted to answer any questions she had.

Not much of a set up beforehand, but those huge banners are really cool, especially when they drop and flutter down.

The play did not disappoint in any way. It was awesome. I was so excited to see how they would do Javert's scene when he jumps off the bridge. I knew the theater was deep enough and I was hoping he was going to actually jump off the bridge and he DID! The bottom filled with fog and he jumped into the abyss. Bravery right there.

It is possible that Robyn took a couple photos of the play, which is not permitted. Stinker. I think she didn't realize. But we have a couple pictures of the play that I didn't feel comfortable posting on here. It's one thing to do something illegal and another thing to flaunt it. 

It was such a stellar performance. I'm so glad we got to go as most of the family. The next time it comes around, Daisy and Pearl will be old enough to go too!

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