Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Then and Now Spikeball

I'm  not sure if you've noticed, but I've been jumping back and forth between October and May in an effort to stay current, but also to catch up. That's my genius plan at the moment. But today we come across a topic that covers both months. Let's take a look at June and her Spikeball endeavors.

In May, June got to play in a coed tournament. That was super fun. Every single team was a boy and girl, so that can often make things a little more balanced. June decided to play with Ryley. Saige is June's friend and Ryley is Saige's husband. You would think Ryley and Saige would play together in a coed tournament, but Ryley tends to be more competitive than Saige, so they do better playing with other people. Thus, their team was born. (They are not the pink team)

They did really well together. I had a lot of fun watching them, except for the part where I threw out my back. (Really? I wasn't even playing!!) I didn't stay for the whole competition, but June and Ryley came in third overall. Great job you two. I wish I had a picture of them on the podium. Instead, you'll have to be content with a picture of June's wicked back hook. She's perfected the hit where she flings the ball behind her. It is an awesome, impossible shot to get.

Fast forward through the summer and into the Fall. June started BYU and decided to join the Spikeball club. However, it wasn't just a play-for-fun club. They had official tryouts. June went and was the ONLY GIRL there. Girls? Where are you? But June represented for all. When the results came out, she was on C squad, which is pretty darn good. I think that it goes down to F or G squad, so C is legit. Only the top two squads compete at the highest level, but I think June would prefer not to play the ultimate elite anyway.

She was paired up with Toby. He is a really nice guy. 

They play pretty well together. I believe Toby had part of his back fused, so he doesn't dive or run far, but he is still good. They went to their first tournament in October. They sadly lost their first game which dropped them into the consolation bracket, and they ended up 10th. But out of 24 or so teams, that's not too shabby. I got a couple pictures and then a video of June doing that awesome back hook. Watch at 00:40.

I'm so glad that she gets to play. Sure, I'd rather be playing too, but watching June is the next best thing.

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