Monday, November 1, 2021

Sharknado Birthday Style

I don't usually do a theme for birthdays, but every once in a while one happens by itself. For Robyn's birthday, I bought a shark candle and then things kept happening. But let's not get ahead of ourselves...

Robyn woke up and her car was all decorated. But with the morning condensation, it ended up looking a little scary in some places. 

Lunch happened. Look at the crazy amount of food. Who can eat that much?

The balloons followed the theme of course. (Not sure why there is a sheep in there?)

And the cake.

And this guy.

Robyn even had a shark lanyard that Daisy had made for her. 

There was some present opening. The clear belt from Grandma Dargan was a huge hit, but she probably liked her new phone the most.

Then we played with the shark piƱata.

He was built terribly. The hook you used to hang him was the first thing to go. (However, I may have overstuffed him and that probably led to his demise.) The first hit from Robyn took off his fin and left him as a land lubber.

So Tyler strung him up again and everyone took a turn giving him a whack. 

June succeeded in finishing him off. 

Then we went back inside for CAKE! I was so proud of this cake. Robyn requested a six layer cake. What? Who requests something like that? But I went out and found this recipe for a toasted marshmallow chocolate cake. It was incredibly delicious. I would say it is one of the best cakes I've ever made. Robyn had no problem taking out the 17 candles.

Then we all dug in.

It was an excellent day. It is always nice to celebrate someone and it was especially fun to celebrate Robyn!

Psst...want some behind the scenes footage of the cake building? I found these on June's phone. She is always such a good helper. She walked through and decided to help build this beast. 

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