Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Tidbits from the Tulip Festival

It is nice being close to the Tulip Festival. We don't make it out every year. Last year was really fun with our make shift scavenger hunt. This year, only I got out to the festival. Tricia and I escaped one evening to go walk around. 

It was a wonderful time with walking and fresh air and too many koi to shake a stick at. Really, there were a few under the bridge and then there were millions. We'll just say that they have a healthy supply of koi.

I don't want to split all the pictures up. You can just view the few I took. Ready to view the few? (I like how rhymey that is)

There you have it. I really like the Chinese lanterns they put up and the umbrellas were new to me, but I liked those too. I'm glad Tricia took me out there. It seems a shame to miss the tulips. One of these years I'll get over there for the roses. That hasn't happened yet...

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