Wednesday, November 3, 2021

April Chatbook 2021

Yep, it's November and I'm getting April on here. It is possible that I'm more behind than I've ever been, but that doesn't keep me from dreaming of a vacation where I get to blog the whole time. (It would be nice if it were on the beach with a chicken drumstick in my hand—I really like chicken.)

It is fun to go back and review what was going on. We are busy people, but we are always having fun. Check out the random that was happening in April.

We had a friend who performed in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. He did an amazing job. It was so fun to watch. I sent the girls later so they could see it too. Robyn and Ivory also thought it was great.

Look at this cute baby. Yes, I usually call her baby instead of Nova. I'm not sure why, but it seems to fit her.

Look at this beauty. I love the light behind her.

We got a new game for Easter called JUST ONE. It is so fun. Everyone can play it and everyone seems to be pretty good at it. It is a good one. I highly recommend it.

Nova is still obsessed with balloons. They are not safe in her presence. It's only a matter of time until they are popped.

Pearl LOVES raspberries. I think they are her favorite fruit. Sometimes she makes them a little sweeter by adding a chocolate chip in each one. It's a great little snack.

June tried her first buffalo wings. Can you believe she's never had them before? I'm proud that she ate them the right way. You holding back and ending up with sauce all over your face and hands. Good job!

June is now the official haircutter around here. I'm going to miss when she is gone. I've gotten lazy. I guess I'll have to train the next girl down. 

April means a neighborhood cleanup. I think most of us were busy, but it looks like Tyler and Pearl made it out to help. They are good sports.

Another cameo of the dog. I can't tell you how many pictures I find on people's phones. I don't include them all, but every now and then, I find one I think it pretty cute.

Handsome man out shooting. I feel bad that Tyler doesn't get to shoot more. 

Here is June's crew out for an evening of ice cream and fun. This is back when they were in High School. It's weird to think all these kids are graduated now, most are in college and some are on missions. Time sure flies.

Pearl got a haircut. (Yep, June did that too.)

This guy is Simeon. He's  been friends with June for a long time. This is one of his prom pictures. Doesn't he look like James Bond? He just needs a gun and a pen with a laser in it.

Robyn did my calendar for April. Oh, remember when we didn't have school on Wednesday? I miss that.

There are still cold days in April. Look at these cuties bundled up against the chill.

Daisy and I got to go see Daddy Long Legs. The show was originally sold out, but they added more seats as Covid restrictions lightened. So I went back and got tickets. We had such a great time. I love that play. It is simple with only the two actors, but it is so sweet. 

Can you believe the things Sharon creates for the library displays? She is a mogul. 

I love this picture of Bruno and June. Bruno is Nellie's son. Nellie is our neighbor who is kind enough to chat with us in Spanish. I'm not getting much better but June has taken off and is doing muy bien.

Daisy was the student of the day. That is fun since my kids can sometimes go all year without getting chosen. 

I spent some time spying on these two from the window. They were outside doing chalk and braiding hair and I thought it was pretty cute. 

Let's end with an old photo. This is me. I'm not sure how old I am. I must be somewhat tiny since those are baby teeth. It makes me just a tad sad because I can't see my kids in that picture, which means they all look like Tyler. Oh well, that's just how it goes sometimes. 

That's it. April is all wrapped up. Bout time, you cry!

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