Thursday, November 4, 2021

She's Got the Look

We love Halloween around here. Most of us are happy to have an excuse to dress up or try a new look. For a long time Ivory has had a fascination with special effects makeup. She's done small things like bruises and scrapes. She'll often try to convince me of some fake wound she has received. (It is easy to fall for it since they look realistic.)

With Halloween so close, she expanded and started to add to her repertoire of gore. She didn't have a lot of the right supplies, but this duct tape wound is pretty convincing if she isn't moving around. 

Then she started watching youtube videos and using products around the house for extra effect. She gave me a large stapled gash on my cheek.

Ivory will take any model who is willing. That means Isaac got his fair share of gore. Here is his hot dog sliced finger.

Ivory sometimes uses herself to practice. She did a small model of what later became scratches on Robyn's face. 

Then ivory got some liquid latex. It was time to up the game. And what a jump. It led to Daisy losing half her hand. The exposed bone is pretty gross.

Then the day before Halloween, she pulled out all the stops. I think Isaac looked amazing. Or should I say terrifying. Good stuff.

Robyn did her own version of spooky and wore different makeup to school during Halloween week. Here are some of her looks. I think they rock.

She even wore this plague look to church on Sunday. I'm sad I don't have a picture of that. :(

Most of the makeup is put away now, but I expect I'll walk in the house one of these days to find more gore. And that's fine with me. 

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