Monday, November 8, 2021

Ticket to Ride

We rediscovered the Heber Creeper recently. We actually took most of the family on the train as a conference reward, but since I'm blogging out of order, that isn't on here yet. 

It was so much fun that I thought it would make a great double date idea with Karen and Mark. However, the train filled up so fast that all the Halloween related rides were sold out. So we took a normal scenic ride and that ended up being splendid.

A scenic ride is about two hours. The train travels along the edge of Deer Creek reservoir for an hour. Then it comes back the same way. You can pay for a lunch, but since we bought tickets, we asked Karen and Mark to pack a light lunch and they surprised us with such a feast.

Apparently, way back in the day, Barry took a ride on a wine tasting train and he brought along his coke and made fun of the other people by swirling and sipping his coke. I'm not sure how Mark heard about this, but it inspired him to provide a variety of tasting.

First we did Dr. Pepper. I'm not a soda fan, but the idea was so fun and Tyler was in Dr. Pepper heaven. 

I was more thrilled with the chocolate tasting, followed by meats and cheeses, fruits, and finally cheesecake. It was a smorgasbord. And everything was delicious!

The funniest part was how close the seats were. We were able to sit facing each other, which works well for conversation, but oddly there was NO leg room. We have to stagger our knees to fit and even then, we were as tight as sardines. 

There was some live music which was really fun. A guy with a guitar and a young man with a fiddle played for us.  They were excellent. The young man looked really young. He was so serious and he never smiled at all, but he was quite the fiddler. He had a really cool mic that he wore around his head so it would pick up his fiddle music. Very professional.

It was such a wonderful time. We saw a fox almost right away. That was cool. Most of the time was just spent eating and enjoying the good company. It was a great way to spend the morning.

I adore Karen and Mark. They are such a fun couple to hang out with. Funny to think that Mark and Tyler have been friends since high school. And they both served missions in Brazil. Some friendships are meant to be. 

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