Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Braces Off

The day you get your braces off is always one for the books. I know that now because I myself got some braces off not too long ago. Ivory at least had the advantage of having Covid during her braces time. Her boss didn't know she had braces for a long time since everyone wore a mask. :)

Ivory spent her two dutiful years in braces, with a serious surgery that was mighty unpleasant. But her teeth finally moved where they were supposed to and lined up nicely. Ivory has such small teeth that braces covered most of them. I was excited to see her teeth again.

I really love our orthodontist. Dr. Trapnell is kind and personable. And he does a great job. With sibling discounts and free braces for Mom, he has been a great deal.

It is funny how fast braces come off. Just a few pops and these things that were glued to your teeth for months are finally gone.

There are Ivory's teeth! They look great.

I took her for treats. She wanted a caramel apple or some such forbidden food right away. You can see her retainer here. Her smile sure is lovely. 

* Ivory got her braces off back in May. Props to you if you noticed somewhere along the way that she wasn't wearing them anymore. 

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