Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Wedding Bliss

We haven't been to many weddings in the last year or so, possibly due to Covid. And even when we are invited, chances are that someone is working or we have something else on the calendar. 

Such was the case when Ashleigh got married. We have lived across from her stellar family since we moved in 8 years ago. It has been fun to watch them grow up and go on missions and go to college and now get married. We haven't seen much of Ashleigh for a while, but we sure didn't want to miss her wedding.

Sadly, only three of us were able to attend. But three is better than none. I stole this picture off facebook since Tyler didn't get any great shots of them and they are such a handsome couple.

There was dancing and food of course. 

Tyler was very impressed by the send off. At the end, everyone lit sparklers and the couple walked down through the twinkling lights. What a fun end to a great evening.

I'll have to keep these ideas in mind. Weddings are only a few short years away for us.

* Ashleigh's younger sister, Allie is getting married this month. They got married only a month apart. That is exciting and probably exhausting for Lynn. 

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