Monday, January 31, 2022

Fare Well Junica!

June had a goodly amount of time to get ready for her mission. We may have put off shopping until December, but we got almost everything done before her farewell. She made it through the temple which was a big one. It was so special to go with her as she went through for the first time to get her endowment.

This is our first missionary, so we tried to check all the boxes. I got some pictures of June and Tyler put together a little notice for her final talk in church. (At least around here for a while. I'm assuming they'll have her speak sometime on her mission.)

It was great to have friends over afterward to say goodbye and wish June well. She's had so many wonderful people in her life. 

That evening, the Stake Presidency came over and we had a very special evening of June being set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and having each person express their feelings for her. It was a truly lovely evening. 

And just like that, she was official. 

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