Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Soy Una Misionera!

Here we go. June writes an email every week and I'm going to post them with her pictures so we can keep track of this awesome missionary. I'll get caught up quickly and then I'll just post them as they come in each week. Here's number #1. She was at home doing home MTC this week, also known as HMTC.

The MTC is so awesome! Being a missionary is so fun and so spiritual! I have been surrounded by the Spirit like never before in my life in the past few days.

My companion's name is Hermana Harrison. She is so awesome! We are really similar and we're already great friends. She runs and loves reading and comes from a family of 10 kids! We've been preparing together to teach Penny, someone on Helping Others. She's basically an actress portraying someone who wants to learn about the gospel, and she'll give us feedback about how well we're teaching. I'm really excited to teach her with Hermana Harrison!

On day one we did a study of our patriarchal blessings. It was really cool and insightful. These revelations straight from God are so full of wisdom and guidance. If you have a blessing I challenge you to read it this week thinking specifically about your purpose in life right now. The Spirit will be with you as you read and will show you something you've never seen before!

One of my favorite things so far was a devotional given by Elder and Sister Soares. One thing that each of them said really stood out to me. Sister Soares said, "Serving a mission is not a sacrifice, it's a privilege." I know that's true. There have been times where I felt like I was giving up a lot to serve a mission, but now that I am here I just feel blessed to be part of this work and to be in a situation where I get to feel God's love all the time and my only goal is to show others that God loves them too! It is a great privilege.

Elder Soares said this: "Begin this very day to declare the gospel." That stood out to me because it is a daily effort. Already I have seen that. I am making that my sentence a goal for myself, to find a way every day to declare the gospel.

The MTC certainly keeps me busy! Before I started the calendar looked pretty open with just seven hours of zoom classes. But it doesn't show the hour of companion study, hour of language study, and hour of personal study you plan on your own. I love that it keeps me busy and that I get to focus on learning the word of God!

My best friend Hannah got her mission call yesterday! I was able to go watch her open it. She's going to Xalapa Mexico and gets to speak el mejor idioma, como yo! I'm so excited for and proud of my best friend!

The gospel is amazing and I am so grateful to be a missionary! If you know anyone who wants to be added to my email list let me know! I would love it if you guys emailed me back!

Hermana Cazier


1. Me right after I put the tag on officially

2. With some friends after my farewell talk

3. My awesome district! The blonde sister next to me is my companion!

4. Hannah opening her mission call

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