Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Unpack Your Bags

It's hard to believe I've only been a missionary for a week and a half. So much has happened! Every day I get to devote so much time to learning about Christ and His gospel and figuring out the best way to share it! It's such an amazing way to spend my days.

This week has been so full of spiritual insights that it's hard to choose what to write about! One of my favorite things was a talk given by Sister Christofferson. She talked about unpacking your bags, both physically and mentally. As a missionary I'm going to head out to a new place, but I love the counsel to settle in completely. To immediately and completely throw myself into the work and give everything I've got to the people there! Sister Christofferson talked about Boyd K. Packer's experience in the army, how he hated living out of a duffel bag waiting for the next mission. Finally he decided to just unpack and live in the present until he was relocated, then to unpack there and treat it like he was going to be there a long time. He said it made him feel much more stable and happy, and it made it easier for him to give his all no matter where he was. As a missionary this was really significant to me since I will be moving from place to place. But I think it's also really relevant to normal life. Whatever you're doing right now, do it wholeheartedly. Don't live your life waiting for the next thing to happen.

Another really cool experience this week happened in Spanish class. We were discussing how to bear testimony in Spanish. Hermana Bliss, our teacher, asked us all to write down our core testimony in one sentence. The thing we believe the most, the thing the rest of our testimony is based on. I would encourage you guys to do the same thing! It's really powerful to think about what you truly believe. It was hard for me to not make my one sentence a run-on because there is so much I love about this gospel and have found to be true through personal revelation. But mine is this: "Yo sé que Dios me ama y que Él responde mis oraciones." In English, "I know that God loves me and that He answers my prayers." After we had all written our core testimonies in Spanish, we all shared them and the Spirit was so strong testifying of each person's solid and unshakeable faith in the simple doctrine they shared.

My companion and I have gotten to do a lot of teaching since the last time I wrote! We have taught four zoom lessons so far and all of them have gone pretty well. I'm excited for when they get to start being in person.

One of the Elders in my district shared this, so I had to pass it on for my Dad.

It's no wonder none of the stripling warriors ever got hurt!

They had Heal-a-man as their leader.

I hope more people who read that laugh instead of cringe... but that's the beauty of Dad jokes. But being serious, if you're looking for a good story or a good reminder about faith and strength in God, the story of the stripling warriors is a great one. You can read it in Alma 53 and 56-58.

It was my Mom's birthday this week! It was fun to hang out with the family and play some Mao while we ate some cake. It was a pretty chill day but I think she had a good birthday. I love you Mom! I'm glad I got to be in the home MTC so I could be around for your birthday.

Have an amazing week everyone! God loves each and every one of you and He is listening to your prayers. The church is true and missionary work is amazing! I love all of you! If you know of anyone who wants to be added to my email list, let me know! 

Hermana Cazier

Apparently I don't take hardly any pictures now that I'm a missionary.

1. P day selfie in regular clothes

2. As my Dad captioned it, 'what missionary work looks like in the early days of 2022.

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