Sunday, January 23, 2022

June Graduates 2021

Graduation was a great day. It was back to a big stadium and was mostly what I expect graduation is supposed to be. As usual, I'm going to combine a couple days, so let's jump back just a little for Seminary graduation. 

I'm so proud of June for going to all her years of Seminary. The curriculum changed part way through, so she didn't get to do all of the books of scripture. They missed the Bible and she did the Book of Mormon twice, but she read the Bible anyway. Good job June. They had a lovely night where they honored all the graduates and June even spoke at graduation.

Then the big graduation day!! Are you ready June? This is it. Your high school days are closing and new chapters are opening. We had fun making her Grad Announcement. I think it turned out really cute.

June had her phone with her, although I think Eve had it most of the time. So on her side of things, there were a lot of selfies and lots of Seniors milling around. You could tell that everyone was having a good time.

On our side, we sat in the stadium and watched the kids slowly move across the field. Graduations are not super exciting. But it was fun to see all these great kids and know they have accomplished this important step. We had seats that were a little too close to the front, so we couldn't see the Jumbotron very well. Note to self, get there earlier.

We met up outside afterward where they were hardy congratulations and lots  more selfies.

 We celebrated by taking June out to dinner at Red Lobster. (Yes, we were missing Robyn)

That same night was Senior Grad Night. The kids stayed up late and played hard. Tyler and I came to help give out pizza. June played Spikeball all night (go figure), but she also rode the bull. Nice job June! (I always snuck a picture of June's Sterling Scholar photo)

Then she finished out all the craziness at Lagoon the next day. Those Seniors must have been so tired. But what a great week for them.

June has such good friends. They all support each other and are really great people. I imagine they will go on to do great things, but most importantly, I think they will be amazing humans. 

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