Monday, January 17, 2022

Sounds of Silence

It's the New Year!! Hello 2022. Covid is worse than ever before. The new Omicron virus is super contagious and everyone seems to be sick. Things are shutting down again and I'm hoping we can still stay in school, even if it means masks. 

The world continues to be in crazy upheaval and we continue to try to keep things as normal as possible. Well, as normal as things can be with June leaving shortly for her mission. But it is pretty normal for me to be ridiculously behind on blogging. I have noticed a marked difference with working. I don't have the same amount of time as I used to and it affects so many of the small things. So with the new year, I'm going to give myself some more time to blog. It needs to happen. 

So today, you get a bit of a hodge podge of last May. There are always so many performances and part of what is slowing me down is trying to get things into video format. (Which is ironic, since you can't see videos in the blog books anyway.) So to speed up the process just a tiny bit, today you get some highlight pictures and NO videos. You can just imagine singing and playing and we'll move on with life. 

First up was choir at the Junior High. Ivory and Daisy both sang and did a fantastic job. Ivory had some duets where she got to sing at the microphone. She did such a splendid job. She is becoming such a good singer. She is starting to make up her own songs and sing them while she plays on the piano. Daisy also is growing in leaps and bounds. She did her first solo this last December. I'm so proud of both of them. 

Robyn continues to play amazing on all the instruments she does. This was her end of year band concert and I can't remember which all instruments she played for her concerts, but you can see her on the left, playing Marimba in the second picture. 

As usual, we all try to come and support. It isn't always all of us, but it's always some of us. 

June had her final choir concert. I'm so glad she took choir her last year. There is something special about participating with Mr. Taylor and I'm glad she got to have the experience. They recognized the Seniors, but the pictures I took were so bad, I didn't include one of those. It was a wonderful concert.

Since we're on a roll, I'm going to include 9th Grade graduation. Depending on the year, it is a weird event. They didn't have it in 2020 obviously, so this was an attempt to get back to normal. The choir sang, so Ivory got to do that again. Mostly it is a recognition of students that excel in certain classes. Ivory excels in all her classes, but wasn't picked as a stand out student. That's fine. We know she is the tops. It was fun to see her with friends and celebrate the end of Junior High.

These kids are so awesome and I love all the concerts and performances we get to attend. Today was a silent tribute, but don't worry, we'll make some more noise soon!

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