Tuesday, March 1, 2022

May Chatbook 2021

Just another day patching up the very slow blog. But guess what? I'm not a year behind yet. :) I have standards. Sort of.

I don't even have too many leftover pictures from May, so this should be short and sweet. Like me.

Back when I was first married, I started a quilt. I probably haven't worked on it for at least two decades. Daisy really likes to sew and she wanted to work on a quilt, so I started her working on some of my old squares. I'm amazed I still have the material and pattern. We did a few squares before she moved on to finding her own quilt pattern. But that's three squares closer for me. 

There was some pictures up at school comparing teachers to super heroes. I found this one of Mrs. Reese, whose super power is looking like Napoleon Dynamite. I laughed so hard and had to keep this image forever. 

June, Daisy, and I went out to a cute boutique where one of the booths was a display by Isaac's sister. Her name is Abby and she is super talented. These are a couple that I really liked. I hope she can visit one of her booths again soon.

Ivory was growing plants for her bio class? I love when little vines curl. They are so delicate and cute.

May means warmer days and fun times outside. Ivory had some friends over and it makes me happy to see people outdoors.

Tyler and I went out in the wild as well. We did some hiking around bridal veil. We live in such a beautiful area.

Look at this cute baby. She looks so content when she sleeps.

Tyler is still the grill master. You can't tell me that this doesn't make you hungry.

Wow, all these pictures of summer fun are making me ready for summer. I'm thinking I'm going to be rather disappointed for a couple more months.

Naps are essential now and then. Not for the dog...she sleeps all the time. But for the kids, yes.

Daisy continues to edit her eyes on my phone. Purple is pretty cool. And I guess the jaundice is just a bonus effect.

Ivory got to go to Lagoon for her 9th grade reward. She had a lot of fun with friends. Lagoon is actually a pretty good amusement park. 

And finally, some art from Robyn. I don't know the meaning behind it. I usually don't. :)

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