Thursday, March 10, 2022

Salty Scavenger Hunt

Karen and Mark are so fun to hang out with. We try to get together every month or so to double up and go on a fun date. Sometimes we choose a location and sometimes they plan something. This time around, they found this fun scavenger hunt in Salt Lake. We ate dinner at this yummy sushi place and then we followed clues and answered questions and had an enjoyable evening walking around. The weather was pretty good since it was in June. I don't know much about the architecture in Salt Lake so it was really neat to walk around and learn about some of the buildings.

Here are some photos of our evening. We met at the mall, so naturally we took a picture by the fountain.

This is after dinner when we were getting ready to start our adventure.

Here is one of the old churches where we found clues. I'm still not sure we figured this one out. Does that look like a rose in the window?

This building is a landmark that I have driven by often. I am not sure what it is used for now, but I think it was the original State Capitol building. 

It is not a official date unless you imitate a statue you run across.

We had to find some things on the building. It was sort of off limits, but with a zoom on your camera, you can view most things. Can you see the face?

This was at the art museum, I think. These people are so fun to hang out with.

Can you tell what these "people" are doing? I couldn't. Apparently they are dancing. Okay...maybe if you stretch your imagination.

And finally, Tyler and I love to take pictures of interesting ideas. He liked this unique sink. It looks like a flying saucer to me. 

We didn't get to finish the hunt since we ran out of time, but it was definitely a fun idea. You should look in your area and see if there is something similar. But wait for good weather. Walking around is much more fun on a pleasant evening.

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