Sunday, April 10, 2022

CONFERENCE and Transfer News :)

Hola todos!

This week was so awesome! Mainly because we got to the listen to the word of God taught straight from Him through the prophets and apostles! There are too many amazing quotes that I wrote down as I watched general conference this weekend to share all of them. But here's a few.

"I have nothing more to give you." (Eduardo Gavarret) Can we say this to God? Have we been that diligent, that faithful? Are we willing to give everything to Him and let His will prevail in our lives? I know that when we obey His will, God immediately blesses us. There's no way to ever pay God back for what He has done for us, but we can give Him our hearts and our spirits.

"Our focus should be less on the way we are delivered and more on the Deliverer Himself." (Amy A. Wright) Whoa! What a good thing to remember. We all experience trials, and sometimes we expect them to be resolved after a certain amount of time or in a certain way, or because we do a certain thing and we should receive blessings for our faithfulness. We do receive blessings when we are faithful, but we can't expect to know what those blessings will be. After all, God is allknowing. We don't see a fraction of what He sees, and He knows what is best for us. When we focus on Him instead of on the way we expect Him to deliver us from our difficulties, that's when we experience growth and become more like the people God wants and expects us to be.

And... there's so many other insights I have from conference but I don't think there are very many people interested in reading 17 pages of conference notes... and anyway they're more for me than for anyone else because that's what conference is all about! Receiving personal revelation. I hope you guys all had the chance to do that this weekend and that you will utilize the awesome resource of having the general conference talks all available to read for the next six months on the gospel library app or at

We also had an awesome miracle a couple days before conference. We were texting lots of people to invite them to conference, some people we were already talking to and some people just out of the blue. One of these was an inactive lady named Joy. We texted her and she responded immediately saying that she wanted to come to church before we even had the chance to invite her! She came to conference and hopefully she'll continue coming to church! It's awesome to realize that there are actually people out there who are ready to receive the gospel. Like Stevenson said in conference, we're not selling the gospel to people, we're just loving, sharing, and inviting. And there ARE people who are ready and all they need is, "Hey, this is the Sister missionaries!"

We also got transfer news last night! A transfer is a six week period, basically how we measure time on the mission. New transfer might mean a new companion, a new area, new leadership. I really wanted to stay in my area and continue building the relationships I have started with the people who we are teaching and serving. And I got my wish! Sister Glover is going farther north to be an STL (Sister Training Leader) in Corvallis, and Sister Brower and I get to stay in North Umpqua! And we're getting a new missionary to train!!! I'm so excited!!! We tried to facebook stalk her... but the only thing on her facebook is a profile picture. Hopefully she will be able to adapt well when she finds out that this mission is a social media mission! 

Anyway, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is so true and I am so grateful to be a part of it and to be led by a living prophet! 

Love you guys!
Hermana Cazier

1-3. pics from the temple when we went last week! Oh yeah, I was gonna tell you guys about that! It was so awesome. While I was in the celestial room I was literally guided by the Spirit to a certain chapter of the Book of Mormon. In my head I was thinking, "I don't really want to read that one, I'll read another," but I couldn't turn the page to leave the chapter! I read it and it had revelation straight to me, exactly for me and what I have been thinking about. The temple is so awesome and I invite you guys to all go as often as you can! If you don't have a temple recommend, learn how you can get one! If you aren't a member, go to the temple grounds and just soak in the peace that is there because it is truly the house of God, where He dwells.

4. we went to this place called Colliding Rivers which is apparently the only place in the world where two rivers collide, according to a guy we talked to while we were there.

5. you can only see five bags in this picture, but we filled up 12

6. random picture with us and some Elders

7. every April fools day my family has a tradition of taking a silly picture. Here's mine for this year :)

8. the random things that are different in Oregon and make me laugh :)

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