Sunday, April 10, 2022

Silly Pictures 2022

Here's a current post. We were just a little slow getting our April Fools pictures, but not too bad. We even had the missionary take one and send it in. 

I have mentioned that I discourage April Fool's pranks. The girls will sometimes come up with something harmless and this year, Pearl put little cats all over the house with some cat jokes. My favorite was:

What is a cat's favorite sport?


Ivory collected the cats and then made them into a cult, worshipping the large cat above the oven. (We have strange children)

Now, for some silly pictures.

Robyn was channeling a Stranger Things Eleven vibe. She did cut her hair short on April Fool's but it wasn't a prank. She loves it and I'm sure you'll see lots more pictures of her as I try to get current. (Key word: try)

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