Saturday, April 2, 2022

Exchanges and Other Fun Things

Hey amigos! This week was awesome. We contacted tons of people and our schedule has been so jam packed that we're trying to get through NMT (new missionary training) on our car rides since we don't have time for it during the days. This coming week is going to be even crazier and I'm so excited! We have lessons and service scheduled every single day and it's gonna be absolutely exhausting, but what better way to live each day as a missionary?

I taught my first lesson in Spanish last week! I had been texting a guy on facebook in Spanish and when I invited him to do a call with us he was really excited to! We had a great first lesson with him and we're going to teach him one more time before passing him off to the missionaries in Mexico where he lives. It was so fun to teach in Spanish! I understand basically everything he said and I was able to explain doctrine and testify! I joined forces with the only Spanish Sisters in our zone so it was also fun to have the opportunity to teach with some different companions!

We had zone conference this last week and it was such a cool experience! The church building where we had it is right next to the Medford temple, so we took some pictures in front of it. We didn't get to go in but it was still nice to see the temple. And I think we're going to get to go to the temple next week! They haven't actually told us what day but I'm excited about it!

The thing that was emphasized during zone conference is finding. In other words, talking to EVERYONE! And there's a big focus in my mission about asking Who Do You Know questions so that even if the person we're talking to isn't interested, they could still help us find someone who is, or someone who needs service or something. Speaking of which, who do you guys know who could use some prayers? Or even service or a visit from the missionaries---I could refer them to the missionaries in their area. Even if you don't email me with a name, I encourage you to think about those questions and who you can help this week!

We had a cool experience this week getting in contact with a guy! We went to his house two weeks ago and couldn't find it. We tried again last week and when we pulled up he was outside, about to leave somewhere with his family. So we were really glad that we caught him right before he left, then as we talked to him we realized he actually doesn't live there. It's his mom's house so it was just random (just kidding, it was God's hand orchestrating a meeting for us) that he was there. He hasn't been responding to our texts or calls since we talked to him on that day, but hopefully we'll be able to set up a time to teach him soon.

I also had an exchange with one of the STLs (Sister training leaders) this week! Once a transfer, or six week period of time, the STLs trade companions with each companionship of Sisters in the zone so that we can learn from them and they can learn from us! I went with Sister Lecheminant and we taught some good lessons.

The big thing I learned from her was about the nature of being a missionary. In our mission we have always been encouraged to do things in normal and natural ways. But we're also supposed to be inviting everyone to come unto Christ, and as soon as you bring Christ into a normal and natural conversation, it usually makes it a little unnormal and unnatural. I have had a hard time reconciling being normal with talking about the gospel, but Sister Lecheminant reminded me that as missionaries we live a different kind of life. It is normal and natural for us to talk about Christ in everything we do and with everyone we meet because our lives are entirely based on Christ! Football players talk about sports, teenagers talk about high school, missionaries talk about Christ. It would be unnatural for us to have a conversation with someone and NOT talk about Christ. Anyway, I think I've gotten to the point where I'm repeating myself. But it changed my perspective and has made it easier for me to talk to strangers about the gospel (although it's definitely something I still struggle with and am trying to improve on).

When I was with Sister Lecheminant we went to the Winston Wildlife Safari to talk to people there and even though we didn't have a ton of success finding people who were interested in learning about the gospel, it was fun to see all the animals!

You guys are awesome! Thank you for taking time to read my novels :) I love being a missionary and I know that this is God's work and it's the most important work there is on the earth today. I know He is behind it and that He is guiding His missionaries and the people who we are interacting with. Like the prophet Alma says, "All things denote there is a God." (Alma 30:44). He's involved in every aspect of my life, and that's not just because I'm a missionary. I know God loves all of us and is watching over all of us. Even as we experience hard things, He's there for us and He knows what we need. "Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39). I hope you guys have an awesome week!

Hermana Cazier


1. Happy St. Patrick's Day a few days ago

2. Me and Sister Lecheminant

3-5. Zone conference pics

the rest: animals we saw at the wildlife safari. Honestly don't feel like you need to look through all of them because if you've been to a zoo, you've seen it before 😉

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