Saturday, April 2, 2022

Get ready for a huge spiritual boost this weekend!!!

Hey guys!! This week was awesome. The work is picking up in Roseburg. We were able to reconnect with a lot of inactive members this week and do a lot of service! We put out an ad on facebook saying that we do service and SO MANY people responded to it. We have had our hands so full between teaching lessons and all of the yardwork we've been doing. And it's actually getting really hot! I need to start putting sunscreen on when we go do yardwork or one of these days I'm gonna turn into a lobster.

We did yardwork for this one lady on her birthday, which was fun. We had no idea it was her birthday or we would have brought her cookies or something. She said she wants us to come back and teach her the gospel so that was also awesome!

One of my favorite things this week was talking with members about general conference, the opportunity we have twice a year to hear the prophet and apostles speak! We were the ones "teaching" the lessons, but I feel like I learned more from them. One member shared a story about two missionaries who were knocking on doors and asking people if they thought it would be important to have a living prophet on the earth. At one house, the guy was like, "well, if such a guy existed I think it would be wise to listen to him." Which is exactly the kind of lead up you always hope for as a missionary. The missionaries bore their testimony about how we have a living prophet. Then the guy asked, "well, what has your prophet said?" The missionaries had no idea what to say. If someone asked you that question, would you be able to answer it? Sometimes I feel like we forget how amazing it is that we have a living prophet. We get so used to hearing his words every six months that it becomes commonplace. But having a living prophet is a huge blessing! We are guided by God in this day and age by President Russell M. Nelson, and he speaks God's literal words. D&C 1:38: "Whether by my voice or the voice of my servants, it is the same."

At another member's house, we invited them to come to conference prepared with a question. The husband said, "Well, I've been in this church long enough that I don't really have any questions." What a solid testimony! That's awesome. If that's not you, don't worry! Having doubts and questions is normal, and when we ask in faith we will receive answers (James 1:5, D&C 4:7, Matthew 7:7, 3 Nephi 27:28, D&C 49:26, D&C 18:18, Mosiah 4:21, Moroni 10:4... the list could go on and on because the scriptures CONSTANTLY testify that when we ask we receive). But if you are feeling pretty good with what you believe and how your life is going, then conference can be a great opportunity to learn how to improve upon the good stuff you've already got going on! The guy's wife said that for her asking a question doesn't often mean trying to understand a specific doctrine. More often it's things like asking God, "What lack I yet?", "What do I need to improve?", "Is this decision right?", "What's the best way to help this specific person?", "How can I fulfill my calling better?"... whatever it is. Honestly I wasn't planning on coming to conference with a question, I was just gonna soak in the spiritual wisdom. But if conference is the sprinklers, we can stand in it and feel great while they're going. Or we can grab a funnel and collect all the water to use for later. Asking questions is a powerful way to allow God to give you very specific direction about what you need to do in your life right now. I challenge you all to bring a question or two to conference and be prepared to receive an answer! If you come with an open heart I promise you you will receive.

Gotta go! Sorry there's no pictures, I was a little low on time since we went to the temple today and that was most of my P day! It was an awesome experience and I'll write about it next week!

Con amor!

Hermana Cazier

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