Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Senior Trip Day 2 - Beachy Day

Today was a really fun day. It is nice that we can basically sleep in as long as we’d like. I was up a littler earlier, so I watched as people trickled in. Funnily, Irving heard me outside his door and thought it was June, so he called her to ask who else was up. But June was NOT awake. She answered the phone and just grunted at Irving. But she did come down eventually. 

Breakfast was epic. Joanna made german pancakes and sausage and hashbrowns. But also there were danishes and cereal. Delicious! Everyone ate well. 

Once everyone was awake and full, we got ready to go to the beach. Everyone got swimsuits and sunscreen, towels, and spikeball of course. The ball went flat in the lower elevation, but I got a small pump which saved the day.

The beach was awesome. It is only a nine minute walk to get there. It just so happens that the beach is a dog beach, which means there are cute canines there ALL day. I actually love that. Every now and then a dog races for the spikeball.

Highlights of the beach:

*We played a ton of spikeball. We played a lot of rotation, but we also got to play some games. I teamed up with AJ and we went against June and Aaron. They were a little better than us and it took us quite a while to win a game. We didn’t manage until the wind got really bad and then we won by quite a bit. Must have thrown them off their game.

*The water was really nice. I only went in to my knees. I didn’t feel like being really wet. There were a lot of people who went in and played quite a bit in the waves. Some people sunned on the beach. Some played spikeball. All seemed content with hanging out. 

*This one lady had a small chihuahua who she dragged into the surf. I felt so bad for that little dog. It couldn’t escape and the lady thought it was hilarious and I thought it was tortuous.

*Really unfortunately, Tyler played spikeball for just a minute and he fell and it set off his racing heart. It raced for almost two hours. I was really worried about him. He tried lying down and going into the cold water and more resting. But it wouldn’t go away. It didn’t go away until he got back home and oddly, it went away gradually instead of the sudden back flow of blood. He was obviously tired, but sometimes the sudden backflow is more damaging. You can see he fell hard since he came away with enough sand to fill a small bucket.

*Finally people were somewhat hungry. We packed it up and walked back.

The afternoon was pretty chill. People got lunch and took showers. I eventually wandered upstairs and took a nap. It was so nice. You can see that other people crashed as well.

The great thing is that there were enough people that you could do what you wanted. Some kids went out and worked on a music video. Some of us stayed in and played games. 

Then it was time for dinner. We ate a little later since we had lunch late. It is so great when everyone pitches in. Tyler made steaks and did a great job. The kids put together salads, and Joanna managed the pasta. It was a fantastic meal and the table looked lovely with real plates that we set out. We didn’t have enough sharp knives so Tyler passed around the knives he brought. :)

Some of the kids went to the store because we needed a couple things including aloe because there were a few people sunburned, including Tyler, who burned pretty badly. Mostly because he was lying down a lot trying to slow his heart. So his legs, arms, and neck are not so great. Here is a pic of the kids out walking to the store.

We also cleaned up fast with all the kids helping and then they played Secret Hitler and I listened and journaled. 

Then they all sat and did Come Follow Me. What a super group of kids. What Senior Trip has a moment where all the kids decide to study the scriptures. Awesome.

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